Alright Ms. Shapiro, you fucking ugly wagecuck. This is gonna be a very large order, so you better get it down right this time. I'd hate to have to talk to your manager Adolf again about you intentionally giving me the wrong shit for the 3rd time in a row. He was already thinking about severely firing your lazy ass.
I'm gonna need ONE 100% white meat spicy chicken sandwich GF for me. No mayo on that bitch. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO MAYO. I like em plain and i like em hot that's it...
I need FOUR fillet o'fish sandwiches, for the fat fucking weebs goo-goo eying that qt asian chick in the back. They wanted sushi but we're on a budget, so just take a sharpie and draw big anime eyes on the box to make em happy.They won't be able to tell the difference they only eat jap garbage anyway...
You know what... See those fat boomers in the corner smoking cigs and drinking sips in this non-smoking establishment? Super size those fish sandwiches like their fucking waistbands those sumo wrestlers are hungery aight?
We also need Eight chicken tendie kids meals with whole milk and apples for Junior and his lil death squad. On second thought no caramel for them apples. It'll make them act like autistic spergs. Try to give them all the same 2nd amendment NRA sponsored toy too, I'd hate to have em fight over who has the better one.
And finally, EIGHT small vanilla McFlurries to celebrate, cuz the lil Seige gang won its 1st race war today.