[4 / 3 / ?]
Why haven't you gotten a qt3.14 animu waifu /bant/?
>Unconditional love and life-long loyalty long as you believe in her
>Not a 3D slut that will ride the cock carousal, settle with some beta cuck (you) before she hits the wall, cheat on you, has kids that aren't yours, jump back on the cock carousal and divorce rape you with alimony, child support, and 50% of your assets.
>Unconditional love and life-long loyalty long as you believe in her
>Not a 3D slut that will ride the cock carousal, settle with some beta cuck (you) before she hits the wall, cheat on you, has kids that aren't yours, jump back on the cock carousal and divorce rape you with alimony, child support, and 50% of your assets.