>>7815072This is what happenned.
I buy a new pc.
Install windows 10.
Get GSM 1.4.
My tried activating account and license.Nogo.
Says password is wrong. Wait?..
Change password
Repeat last step 4 times.
Still cant log in.
Send angry email.
Send more emails.
Send emails showing the screencaps.
Screencaps have proof they had my account in their database.
They also show that my account has been terminated all of the sudden.
Warn of suing on email(not saying I will, only that I considered it)
Send em screencaps again(5 more times).
Account gets restored.
1 day passes. Internet slow as fuck. Fiber optic internet never goes bellow 2.5 mbs.
Suddenly google takes 2 minutes to load.
Grab ip log data, being dddossed by many ip's