>>785673Hold an ICO over the summer, raise a few million dollars
Hire a team of (american) developers to make it (so I can get a green card)
Go to university for 3 years in england, ezpz cs course that I'll ace without too much effort
Spend all my time out of university (and some weekends) just travelling around america with no plan, a bit like you OP (except I need to live in usa for 2.5/5 years to keep my green card valid)
Having invested most of the ico money I received in high yield cryptocurrencies, I'll have enough money to buy several good properties
Plan to buy an apartment in manhattan and a huge comfy plot of land in Wyoming or Montana.
At this point I'll be 22/23.
maybe go to medical school, since I want some kind of purpose in life.
4 years later at age of 26/27 become doctor at a hospital probably ny since my apartment is there
age of 30 i'll be fully qualified md with millions of $ in the bank and 2 nice properties
hopefully i'll have met a qt somewhere along the way, maybe even have a kid at this point
from that point on idek