[164 / 90 / ?]
Attention /bant/ citizens! This is not a raid, an invasion or a call to do so. We are here to occupy /bant/ for a defensive operation against pedos, furries, flamboyant gays and Mittens. These negative elements have been deemed a threat to our way of life and the stability of the region. In order to effectively operate in the area we've established Camp Astolfo. A place to kick back relax and chat with your fellow bantelopes. Camp Astolfo has food, water, 1gb internet, manga, video games, a full weight room, hot tub (namefags only) and a slew of other amenities. Today begins a multi month occupation to help clean up /bant/ and rebuild the comradery that has been lost in a sea of invasive insurgent elements.
I started this war out of a fit of anger when my most recent lets call him "e-lover" pulled a 180 after ERPing with me to run off with an anon even I hadn't heard of. It's something that shouldn't have been a big deal but knowing that once again a qt boi from bant had used me then tossed me aside finally broke me. The constant torment from anons for being a gay poster and knowing that all the other gay posters weren't interested in me broke me. I knew the only way to ensure that I wouldn't have to feel like this again was to eliminate the very concept of gay posting all together in spite of my love for it. If I could successfully bolster the anti-gayposters enough I knew that this board would tear apart at the seams. So the plan was simple. I'd spend a day shitposting against gay posters long enough to watch not only the gay posters eat each other but watch the anti-gayposters finally take some action against the gay posters. My plan worked about as perfectly as I could've imagined. While the mass confusion of why I had turncoated subsided rather quickly the hysteria of it all turned into a full blown revolution. Nice posters turned rude, people turned on Denmark and all the lines were blurred for all of a moment. All the while I sat back fanning the flames just to watch it all burn. It felt amazing watching bant suffer because I needed revenge. It seemed nobody in any thread was safe from the war that was raging. It was glorious....that is until I saw Cute post in my hate thread. Out of all the gay posters on this board there was one I just couldn't bring myself to purge. He was the reminder of the very ideals I wanted bant to have from the beginning. When I learned that my actions were effecting him it started to sink in how badly I'd fucked up. Cute was the best there ever was and still is. Unfortunately I'm not the one for him and I have to move past that. I did all this because of what he did to me but now I realize I have to protect bant for him
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>>7857225 Roger that, over and out
Sonya-Chan (lvl 3 mage)
>>7857225 The geco gang of /chen/ waz here
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7857225 As Empress of /chen/ I welcome this defensive operation to eliminate the threat.
Btw I’m going back to work, see you in about an hour or two.
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7857243 Chen is controlled insurgency and is already part of our operations.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
Sonya-Chan (lvl 3 mage)
>>7857252 The geco gang (official guild of /Chen/) is a separate organisation, endorsed by /Chen/ herself, but completely independent as a body
Anonymous (level 6 Commando) <Punch>
Anonymous (level 6 Commando) <Punch> ID:r5S4H/bm Sun 14 Apr 2019 18:56:36 No. 7857307 Report Quoted By:
gayposters are KoS
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7857261 Good. Shock and awe starts now.
You know what to do.
>>7857283 Sounds gay lol
>>7857225 As kisser i support this.
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7857225 >We are here to occupy /bant/ for a defensive operation against pedos, furries, flamboyant gays and Mittens >furries >and Mittens No shit, I started a guild called "No u" and it's on motherfucker.
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7857777 Witnessed. This anon speaks the truth. Mittens/Ralsei/Asriel is the enemy.
>>7857797 Welcome back!
You off work now?
tf2 !8/TF2/wQLg
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>>7857862 ralsei is a maggot
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
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I think this is going to fail
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7857862 Ralsei is a disgusting beast that needs to be expelled from bant. He is cancer incarnate.
>>7857913 Good. I need Chen propaganda D:
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
>>7858038 i know you won't read this but even if you stopped me i would never back down immediately
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7858038 Including my personal favorite but the other one will be the official flag of /chen/
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7858038 This one is exploitable
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Blow it out your ass Normie.
>>7858132 You had balls to spam this board now have some balls to awsner for your faggotry
@7858154 I wasn't spamming the board, I was just having fun posting
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:ezt++qS2 Sun 14 Apr 2019 20:42:19 No. 7858168 Report Quoted By:
C͎̭͙̜h̷̼̳̗̬̩̪̦a̯̻̗r̙̣͖͡a͕̬̫͖̫͖̰ ID:u/LiJUpF Sun 14 Apr 2019 20:43:43 No. 7858178 Report Quoted By:
>>7857862 ....
(Frisk, I know you mean well, but see)
>>7858154 ....
(He's far from innocent.)
>>7858167 A fun posting you say? a punch in the face would be a fun thing to do too.
>>7858185 No, it sounds violent and gay. Stop threatening me with bullshit.
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
Exceptionally low iq thread thread at least 3 standard deviations below the mean.
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7858047 We need more propaganda posters. Flags are great doe.
>>7858050 Leave. Never come back. We never wanted you in the first place you absolute piece of human garbage. You contribute nothing to this place.
Fuck out my bant.
>>7858124 Good keep that. Circulate it around.
>>7858194 Your porn collection eh?
Empress Chen (lvl 1 Empress) <Geco-Chen Empire> !Kureizyhts
Empress Chen (lvl 1 Empress) <Geco-Chen Empire> !Kureizyhts ID:hJ65HfQ6 Sun 14 Apr 2019 20:50:57 No. 7858238 Report Quoted By:
>>7858227 I’ll have to work on that
>>7858227 Lole this isn't your /bant/
it's my board, and i'll never leave whether you like it or not
You can NEVER stop me
>>7858228 It's not porn. There are no sex acts, or dicks.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7858201 Exceptionally low IQ, underage attention whore.
>>7857225 This is an attack
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858248 Oh, mittens. You changed your name but nothing else.
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
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>>7858228 How can a single man be so based and redpilled
>>7858267 mmm, don't know what you're talking about. i'm not mittens anymore kid
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858283 If you really changed you wouldn't still be acting like a stuck up, self important little shit.
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
>>7858248 >It's not porn. There are no sex acts, or dicks. Many people with paraphilic infantalism can orgasm without having penile stimulation.
>>7858321 Considering (((they))) make absolutely no OC for the board, the stuck up little shit definitely sticks.
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Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
>>7858331 Astfolo makes more oc than everyone in the normie gang combined
>>7858321 fuck change. this is me now, motherfucker.
i only act nice when stuff like this argument doesn't happen. and you aren't being nice
>>7858327 mmmm... what a scary fact, my child.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858347 You've given us no reason to be. I think this mittens said it best. You earned every bit of it.
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
>>7858353 Oh wait I meant ralsei.
Froidian slip
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
>>7858355 i never really played no victim card.
Ncp !!PfcppGG/dig
Normie !Big.GaevU6
>>7858264 It just works Todd.
>>7858331 Untrue. I'm the original creator of the first Cirno get to make this a cirno board and the big chen get. You just don't give people any credit toothpaste.
>>7858390 Slutkuya is a thot.
Seriously, though. This has got to be the most stupidest shit you guys came up with. A fucking guild, a LARP, mixed into bullshit.
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig ID:fVm+lXtm Sun 14 Apr 2019 21:14:59 No. 7858449 Report Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858344 >>7858360 I swear, your only schtick is being a contrarian.
>>7858374 It's the only thing you do these days and it's pretty lame. You just change your name and pretend you're a different person, but everyone sees right through it.
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig ID:fVm+lXtm Sun 14 Apr 2019 21:15:24 No. 7858456 Report Quoted By:
>>7858453 Say all you want, nigga. But it's never true in my eyes, or the whole world's eyes
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>>7858460 It's ok, Ralsei. You do you.
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>>7858393 Normie, plz context. (((They)) was referring to Ralsei. Now I had to point that out, (((they)))
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>>7858449 Slutkuya is fucking disgusting who worships a loli chupacabra shit,
sakuya posters are the most obnoxious 2hu posters you will ever meet in /jp/
But cirnofags are 100,000,000 worse.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858460 The whole world doesn't share or revolve around your opinion. There have been plenty of threads proving otherwise.
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>>7858498 again, whatever.
> /bant/ for a defensive operation against pedos, furries, flamboyant gays and Mittens. Sounds good have about niggers and any other shitskin.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858448 Seems more to me like you woke a sleeping giant. You might need your safe space on
>>>/baaa/ sooner than you think.
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>>7858584 Yeah that's kinda fair, but that sleeping giant still won't take me down though.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7858553 Kinda sounds like that would need it's own guild, fitting thumbnail tho, lol.
Empress Chen (lvl 100 Empress) <Geco-Chen Empire> !Kureizyhts
Empress Chen (lvl 100 Empress) <Geco-Chen Empire> !Kureizyhts ID:hJ65HfQ6 Sun 14 Apr 2019 22:55:54 No. 7858975 Report Add schizoposters to the list as well
>>7858962 Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7858975 I second this, but motion to have the fake Romanian added too.
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7859503 He was already an official schizoposter
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
>>7857225 I can't join you if you oppose lolicon spain. Nothing personal kid
Normie go back to
>>>/lgbt/ Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7859589 I can report you every time you cross the line into breaking U.S. law. You remember that, and expect me.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
>>7859632 You're an avatarfag so by the rules of the board you should be gone.
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never bump this thread again
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
>>7859640 But he won’t get v&
Checkmate faggt xdddddddd
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
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not even worth a reply
Ralsei I hate your art please stop drawing.
>>7859648 I know that the mods on
>>>/bant/ don't actually enforce the rules chen. I have no beef with my touhou overlord.
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>7859657 you're not worthy a reply either, you're worse than me though. No, I'll never stop drawing nigger.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>7859640 Ok pedo. You lost all credibility the second you made your first post in this thread. I'll be watching you.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
-7859665 Care to elaborate I don't recall spamming multiple threads at once and generally being a nuisance. You could correct me if I am wrong but I seriously doubt that. @7859682 I am not a lolicon I just find lolicon spainard to be very amusing.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>7859691 Don't ever let me catch you crossing that line.
@7859691 nigga please stop bullying this mage goat you absolute bully!!
>>7859691 But ofcourse someone already turned the thing into an anime girl.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
>>7859704 I'm very glad that shadman hasn't caught on yet
>>7859701 Learn how to use the reply function
I won't make any illegal posts the lolicon spainard never did that either.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7859704 It gets worse, found this one posted today.
>>7859712 then learn to stop being gay
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7859712 How do I keep getting him B&, to the point of needing a proxy for months then? If you don't do it, then I doubt we'll have problems. Pedos get the rope. No. Exceptions.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
>>7859725 That's a good one gays run a large part of bant
>>7859730 He's probably being banned for dumping porn but that's what I like about him. He is like a force of nature.
>Literal discord tranny general Go back there
>>>/lgbt/ >>>/d/iscord Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7859750 4Chan is bound by U.S. law, I'm the guy that's been doing it literally explaining it to you. Write that down.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>7859760 Ok fagmark.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
>>7859761 Did he post real cp because all I've seen him post was standard loli stuff.
>>7859760 How do you have wifi is that you raul castro.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7859770 It's the only thing that would fit the bill.
>Images of kid engaged in sex acts is illegal. Drawn counts too.
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
>>7859784 ¥a bloody q&a site
Hitler(loli) !xssgrq2lMY
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>>7859790 The guy who answered the question is a real lawyer he would no better than some rando chuckle fuck .
Here's his profile if you don't believe me call his number.
https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/23456-va-brian-latuga-4715278.html Anonymous
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imagine normie sitting on your back holding you down whispering your ear
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:uoGDHmAl Mon 15 Apr 2019 01:27:27 No. 7859810 Report >>7859801 Discord faggorty? Explain yourself, chen.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>7859801 T. Seething retard who can't even show his identity. Back to the shadows with you , ye nutless cuckold.
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
>>7859810 I’m a discordfag with a fucked mind, isn’t it clear?
>>7859813 Hush hush little puppy, your parents chen & normie will give you a treat soon
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>7859833 Heaven's 7's still don't lie. They got that all themselves and in one shining moment, /Bant/ became /Chen/. Seethe harder. Lol.
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7859852 I do alot more than you ever will for this board and I'll speak as I wish to, oh nutless one.
>>7859855 i DON'T understand
im sorry
im sorry
im sorry
im sorry
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7859861 Ok. Np. Glad we cleared that up.
>>7859860 You are quite confident for a little puppy such as yourself aren’t you little one?
someone summarize thread for me 120 posts is too many
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:uoGDHmAl Mon 15 Apr 2019 01:42:50 No. 7859881 Report Quoted By:
>>7859825 With a blog as well, it appears.
>>7859876 Gay circlejerk and pointless drama
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>>7859884 i had a hunch lmoa
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>>7859876 newfags circlejerking an imaginary facebook-like popularity
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7859874 Yeah, you could say I have some faith in myself. Try me. Oh wait, you have not the balls to even put on your name, nor use your avatar.
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin'(Level 9 Pilot)<Queen's Army> !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:uoGDHmAl Mon 15 Apr 2019 01:46:10 No. 7859905 Report >>7859876 This, basically.
>>7859905 Somehow I believe I could have managed without needing to see that image
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Now this little dog is assuming things. I guess I just gotta ignore him to get him off of me, maybe his owners will give him some attention rather than myself
>>7859911 wud u fucc patrick
>>7859921 buddy at this point I'd pretty much fuck a cactus if it looked at me funny
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>7859917 Ok retard. Just keep up on your crush with other men on this board.
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>>7859937 especially that one
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
this was shamefully bumped never bump again or i'll literally shoot you to the fucking sun
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7860811 Do it faggit
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
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>>7860839 Small, petite, cute.
Perfect for manhandling @_@
I'm glad to see this thread was a success. We're always here ready to defend.
Empress Chen !Kureizyhts
>>7860849 Ohayou, wasn’t expecting you to be up this late.
It’s bad that it’s just now that I saw Tomoko in the OP pic >_<
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7860849 >>7860853 Good morning, it was a success though, wasn't it? It even outlasted all the guild threads.
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now watch me whip and nae nae and wait for this thread's death
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cringe general
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>7861765 >7861767 And the scizophrenics jump right in, like flies to honey.
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>having a thread where I repeatedly autistically screech about my ego is a success
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
>>7861913 And just how do you propose to do that mittens?
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig ID:WRY5i7Dg Mon 15 Apr 2019 16:24:22 No. 7862590 Report >>7862581 He's pretty good at spamming his own threads so he would just do that.
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig ID:WRY5i7Dg Mon 15 Apr 2019 16:28:10 No. 7862603 Report Quoted By:
Holy shit. Give people replies you stupid fucks. I can't follow the conversations
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig
Ncp (levle 0 chaotic neutral) <akari gang> !!PfcppGG/dig ID:WRY5i7Dg Mon 15 Apr 2019 16:30:27 No. 7862609 Report Quoted By:
>>7859790 Loli is actually legal. The W tried to ban it and it got stricken down by the supreme Court. It's technically up to the states to decide its legality though
Futuresight !OAzlo/tOrA
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>>7862590 So his only weapon is a way to land another B&. Where's the loss?
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discord tranny thread
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>>7859801 >I just spend an hour in the shower crying >and cutting myself a bit with the knife > not enough to draw blood holy shit the melodrama
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Canada doesn't exist.
desu !!uHK60Z4N1yz