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ID:K812iwfA No.7869374 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>18 year old community college fag
>life is depression and vidya
>See cute girl in first day of comp class
>black hair, piercings, green eyes, thicc in the right places only, Star Trek tattoo. The works.
>professor says find partners
>girl and I are both robots and stand and look around room for partners
>near instantly lock eyes
>turns out she's not only hot but we have a bunch of similarities
>channel my inner chad and impress her during interview.
>ff to a month ago
>been on several small coffee 'dates' and spend free time with her/texting her
>turns out she's 25+
>she comes on to me and we flirt for about a month
>we both know she has a bf of several years
>Know this needs to be an absolute secret
>she invites me over this morning
>bf and roommates are out
>instantly starts cuddling me
>start making out and we go to her bedroom
>I touch her porcelain tits and taste the sweet nectar of her tongue
>she gives me the best blowjob of my life
>pornstar level slobbing
>we cuddle until I have to go to class
And that my robots, is how you cuck a 35 year old man and channel your chad.