>>789235Becoming fit doesn't happen over night. At the least, becoming fit takes a half hour of exercise each day. That's only 30 minutes! If you put on a playlist of 6, 5 minute songs, when the playlist is over you will be done!
Before getting into the more heavy duty exercises, I reccoment walking for 30 to 45 minutes each day, either on a treadmill or around your neighborhood. March in place or do crunches if you're able. It's okay if you can't go up all the way when you do crunches, as long as you can feel your muscles being worked (Sensei also cannot come up all the way when doing a crunch).
A balanced diet is also important. You don't have to completely quit junkfood, just eat less of it. When you feel hungry, ask youself when the last time you ate was. If it has been a reasonable time (three or four hours) then go ahead and have a small meal. If it has not been long, ask yourself if you're really hungry or if you are just bored. Make sure not to starve yourself, because your body will go into survival mode and start storing even more fat.
So a balanced diet, light exercise, and another tip I heard was to take cold showers.
Remember not to get discouraged; it will take up to three months for others to notice you are changing. Keep at it, and make sure to take a few cool down days if you need to. Don't overwork yourself.