>>7889535>Ou devrais-je dire carrément le privilège de Paris.mon cul provincial est en feu
non, bien que "nouvelle aquitaine" n'est pas exactement une perle non plus, je suis du "grand est". je suis toujours mécontent que "nouvelle austrasie" n'est pas le nom de cette monstruosité de collage. j'espère bien que rien de grave ne va se passer, c'est quand même affreusement douloureux
>>7889571oh, sorry, i'm not exactly the brightest, perhaps it is only me who's not getting it. are you starting your fasting today? tried to reply to your thread from yesterday one last time but it 404'd the time I formulated all the sentences. most of what i needed to do has been accomplished, i don't have anything planned, aside from perhaps taking a stroll into the woods. i'll most probably spend my evening and night doing various activities on the computer, i haven't slept too well and i already find myself tired. is frenchanon going to be my name?
perhaps we should organise something for easter, a fun activity to do with the entirety of r/banter