I always knew the op and co are baiting to attract spergs like me, but I am playing along for the fun of it.
>>7902673First the support of the plant workers had more to do with the treaty of Versailles rather than he interests workers, but this is beside my point because my issue is with Nazis using race to distract the workers from the fact that they were oppressed so the oppression could continue to oppress them - not whenever the rich and the poor have the same interests. You seem to imply that they were socialist because they stopped the tension between classes, but the realisation of the poor that they are being oppressed in society and the creation of that tension is an important aspect of socialism.
On the very lower end of socialism, complete equality isn't even necessary as closing the gaps between the classes and improving the living conditions of the working class. Nazis may have had employment risen, but they very much kept the rich rich and the poor poor.