>>7915225 No, actually they will help rebalance the serotonin pool which is likely completely depleted at the moment. Increasing your serotonin pooling which is naturally created in the brain (not coming from the antidepressants) will help increase your aggressive and assertiveness and general demeanour. There is an actual study of lobsters which this shows an affect in with their dominance in the hierarchy affected by the level of serotonin in the system, those that are higher and serotonin are redder and more dominant and aggressive in the group. Achievers. The shit ones are blue. That’s why they are called serotonin uptake inhibitors, it’s stops the brain from sucking up the serotonin before it has a chance to pool.
It’s not an all ending sedation, of course you have to adapt to the way it will change your mentality as it does affect your behaviour, people will notice a personality change, and you will probably get used to it. They will have to get used to you, the better you.