>>7925521You see this hoe? You think she makes any money? You think she works? Hell no. Bitch is my housewife who I prefer to have at home cooking cleaning and generally taking care of the shit I can't.
On top of that I've got a kid that I send money and presents to because she's my special princess.
Lastly I've got my landlord paps. He's 63, fully disabled (missing his foot and one leg) and needs help. Including paying him rent I help him out doing things that are difficult for him like moving shit and running errands.
That's my family. Just because you haven't built a family yet doesn't mean everyone has wasted away their precious life.
I've reproduced. You're too late. There's more of my genes that your children will deal with and I'm not stopping there.
We won't cover the boi harem I run because they can be like kids sometimes too.
All of this is running a family and it's the best feeling in the world knowing I have people who love me for me in spite of my many many many flaws.