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习近平是小熊维尼。 他是一个又大又肥胖的白痴,不穿裤子。 真是个小丑。 20亿人是穿着没有裤子的小丑的奴隶。 你能想象吗? 可耻。 如果我是中国人,并且我了解到我是一个不穿裤子的胖头的奴隶,我会自杀。Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh. He is a big, fat, dumpy idiot who wears no pants. What a buffoon. Two billion people are slaves to a buffoon who wears no pants. Can you imagine it? Shameful. If I was Chinese, and I learned that I was a slave to a fat-head who didn't wear pants, I would kill myself.