[9 / 4 / ?]
That the tranny jannies use discord to coordinate bans on Anons they don't like with reddit mods who snuck into the moderation team. Hiro is clueless and kept in the dark about these shady and unscrupulous practices. These same mods then review your feedback and add more bans to your IP if you submit a 4chan feedback. Ask yourself; have I been blocked from reporting, posting pics or even ranged banned? Have I been banned for a post I didn't even make? Don't you think it's strange how if say you make a post they find a problem with it and ban you? Even when your post broke no rules? You know who the culprits are. I have risk my own free time uncovering this nefarious scandal to expose these power hungry losers. This interiped reporter will be on this case like a janny on a hotpocket. Stay safe and browse warmly.