>>7960504good for tourism has great stuff to see from different ancient cultures and religions, amazing food prolly the best ive ever had... bad to live in as the economy is utter shite and all the wars in the region keep flooding it with refugees. jordan alone got more syrian refugees than the whole of europe did
>>7960506nope, its hard for jordanians to go there without problems, but i do happen to have a british passport that i cud use for that but i dont think i will any time soon
>>7960511my ancestors are a bunch of naqshbandi sufi muslims that decided to run away from russia and all the wars with russia and ended up settling in jordan in the early 1900s for some reason, there is maybe around 8000 chechens in jordan that have retained their language and culture... but slowly drifting more and more towards arabism as they try to become more muslim