>>799017Well, in all honesty the best thing a person can do is scrape together whatever money they have, either through their jobs or something, and save up. Watch how much money you spend, and be sure not to buy anything you don't really need. So if you can get away with it maybe don't buy a bunch of fucking games or whatever. Hold onto what you have. It also wouldn't hurt to maybe try investing in some stocks... I don't do it personally, but I'm told that it can pay off. Another thing that can help, even if just a little, is sell off some of the things you own. Some of the stuff you've had for years and don't really have any serious sentimental attachment to. Hock them goods because somebody is bound to want it. (you know, one man's trash is another man's treasure?).
It ain't great being around this age and still living at home but honestly these things happen. It wont do anyone any good to be all hard on yourself about it. Just realize that it'll only last if YOU do nothing. There are plenty of options but you have to remember to be patient.
>>799020The fuck is neetbux? No, I don't earn that and I have no physical problems. I just ran into money problems because of my state yanking money for various taxes. It doesn't help that I don't earn a whole lot to begin with. At least for the time being.