>>800064I don't deny that there was a point in our history where a dog was useful and needed.
But notice that key word there? In our "history"?
These days, with a few exceptions, we don't really need dogs around as much as dog owners claim we do. "I need it to keep my house safe!", which is I'm subjected to hearing the thing bark all night long. "I need it for companionship!", which is why I never visit my friend because I don't enjoy having an animal jump all over me, drooling, and pounding it's nose into my dick. This, of course, happens only after its spent a good forty minutes barking and growling at me. "My kid wanted one!", which is why now the dog charges at me whenever I'm near because it demands food. And the owners never seem to think this is a problem. They even encourage this. You go out for a walk, wanting some fresh air and oh no... now you've got shit on your shoes. The owners laugh it off. "It's not a big deal."
Nigga, if I threw shit on you, you would lose your mind. So why is it somehow more acceptable for this to happen if a dog did it? Fuck off.
>>800093Nobody is acting as though they are enlightened or superior, you insecure cuck. We just say we don't like dogs, and other people can't seem to accept that.
But lord knows it's perfectly acceptable to talk about murdering cats or various other pets. Because fuck them, right?