Just informed myself about the countries with the most islamophobia.
Every civilised western country where muslims can live in peace is being called out as islamophobic. Chinks aren't. And their fucking government is probably even forcing muslims in "re-education camps". In fucking camps. What kind of bullshit is this? I mean, I'm not a guy who's into conspiracy shit but even switzerland is being called out as a country with "islamophobic tendencies". Well fuck this. Let china invade. I don't give a fuck about learning mandarin i just want those sandniggers dead. It didn't bother me when they did 9/11. It didn't bother me when they killed innocents. It didn't bother me when they shot up france. But when they tell me i'm islamophobic while china puts sandniggers into camps, this shit goes too far. They could atleast acknowledge the shit thats happening there. But they're sure i'm just being racist against those discount-commies. Can't be fucking bad if it's red right. WELL I'LL FUCKING SHOW YOU COMMUNISM. I'M GONNA CALL EVERY GUY I FUCKING KNOW. WERE GONNA ENCIRCLE THOSE LEFTIES AND FILL EVERY GOD DAMN HOLE OF THEM WHILE WE SCREAM THE SOVIET NATIONAL HYMN. SOYUZ NERUSHIMYY RESPUBLIK SVOBODNYKH SPLOTILA NAVEKI VELIKAYA RUS DA ZDRAVSTVUYET SOZDANNYY VOLEY NARODOV YEDINYY, MOGUXHIY SOVETSKIY SOYUZ. AND THEN WE WILL JAIL THEM INTO MY CELLAR AND ONLY GIVE THEM A SLICE OF BREAD A DAY. IF THEY WANT TO GET OUT THEY SHOULD PRODUCE MORE CHILDREN TOYS, WHEN THEY MAKE ME 100$ WITH THOSE, THEY CAN LEAVE. BUT JOKES ON THEM, I DON'T SELL THEM, I GIFT THEM. THEY WILL KEEP PRODUCING CHILDREN TOYS UNTIL THEY STARVE. I WILL ONLY LET THE ONES OUT WHO COMMIT CANNIBALISM, SHOWING THAT ONLY THE STRONG ONE WILL SURVIVE. BUT THEY ARE WEAK. THEY WILL NEVER SHOW STRENGTH.