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When was your first 911 call and what happened?

ID:5E7ojucy No.7997356 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Funny enough, mine was just about 15 minutes ago..

>Be me
>Talking to my grandma in her room
>Her roommate makes a groaning noise
>Grandma and I release he's having a seizure
>It's his third one today
>Grandma can't take it anymore, and has me call 91
> Me: *Doesn't know how to dial despite being 18*
> Grandma shows me quickly how to.
> I was kind of panicky but I all of the sudden became very calm despite the situation
> I told the 911 operator as much as I knew, address and the likes.
> Did make about 2 mistakes due to not hearing her, or grandma getting panicky and yelling in the background
> Operator ends call after telling me how often he's breathing, and basic aid for stuff like this
> After call, I wait outside for the ambulance to flag them down as operator told me to
> Brought them to my grandma
> I stood in a corner watching over everybody, mostly in idle mode while I let grandma do the talking

Long story short, they took him away, my grandma can't visit yet because her car is broken. So my parents are hurrying back from a friends house to lend a hand.

(Picture shows how mature I am)