>>8020897military-industrial complex.
a FUCK ton of people employed by defense contractors - close to 5 million at this point if memory serves me right.
There was a rule the British Empire followed as well - to be dominant on the seas, their navy had to be as large as the next two largest navies combined.
So if Spain had 20 ships and France had 30 ships, Britain needed at least 50 ships.
Countermeasures against other countries such as Russia and China developing their own weapons.
If it were just as easy as "oh hey lets all get along now" I would fucking love that but for as long as humans have been alive they have been at war in one fashion or another - the most recent war is the one in cyberspace, digital espionage, among others.
>>8020957there aren't any easy solutions.
what's your proposition as to kill nearly 5 million jobs?
Where will they get new jobs?
Will you give them gibs?