>>8048186How did you know
Google slips the terms x (ten) 70 (ta) "convergence insufficiecy" (ci) surface depth (on)
into my searches to disrespect me?
1:i 2:ro 3:ha 4:ni 5:ho 6:he 7:to 8:chi 9: ri
10:nu 20:ru 30:wo 40:wa 50:ka 60:yo 70:TA 80:re 90:so
100:tsu 200:ne 300:na 400:ra 500:mu 600:u 700:wi 800:no 900:o
1000:ku 2000:ya 3000:ma 4000:ke 5000:fu 6000:ko 7000:e 8000:te 9000:a
10000:sa 20000:ki 30000:yu 40000:me 50000:mi 60000:shi 70000:we 80000:hi 90000:mo
100000:se 200000:su