Fuck it i'm done with /bant/ honestly countless days, months go by to the point where I'm frankly sick and tired of all the gay posting, anime posting, re-used /bant/ memes, cirno shit. I understand that cirno is the mascot of /bant/ we fucking get it. I genuinely think that you can't produce anything of good OC, shit I haven't seen any good threads at all. It's Kot, Frogposting, K-pop containment threads and we're the trash of /pol/. Seriously I don't even know what the purpose of mods and jannies are. I've been on here for too long, I should just leaved for /int/ and /s4s/ a little while ago, it's just a waste of time here seriously. So to all you namefags and anons who've been here since the start. Thanks for staying until now, but I'm off and I won't be coming back I don't want to remember /bant/ for the cesspool it is now, but I want to remember the original content that kept it's heart beating. It was made to shit talk about other nations and have a good ol time. Not stale threads, no stale posts I want to remember it for what it was meant to be not what it devolved into and with that being said,
I'll reply to anyone in this thread who has some questions and so on, but that's going to be it for me otherwise. I'll leave after the thread either gets deleted or dies.