>>8089130>NIGGall these 4chan
4plebs.org boards and such are nothing but confusion the more i try to understand it , at some point i question who is posting it differs from , faggots who hate women , mentally retarded , gender cunfused trannies , buthurt about a group of people in realife , trying to deal with though 4chan , trolls pissing eachother off , fighting comment wars , lost the plot on overdosed high amounts of animies " ...lol im not judging any if wich i named above i get the humor satire of it but the lack of any information about the user posting can be so confusing like is it a girl cause has a animie female charakter , but then many times its a guy behind it ...like im not offended by words but friends dont believe , im black and people i know tmake racial jokes all the time and say nigger i do not care but laugh , they claim users will trigger here if i search words like monkey nigger slave for example , so we made a bet 200$ but since text here is so anonymous it dont mean shit i want be fair , so im looking for voices that " Search 4 these type of words " pick the post they think would trigger most and voice record reading that out send me audiomessage " ONLY SHORT POSTS " if i get lets say 20-30 different voices that my friends will hear listen to and cut into 1 video , and then i make a youtube video of my reaction to it and if user says slavery i say thanks wich apparantley is a thing or something here . also the person who can trigger me winsgets 50 $, but you are not allowed to read you own post you wrote only search up others and its gotta before the date i announce you all to start , its all anonymous private no1 will be named and even so you are only reading some1 elses post not your own