[8 / 3 / ?]
>be me
>in class
>English teacher asks us to tell each other an anecdote for conversation
>roastie toastie tells me about her failed relationships with chads
>tell her about my successful gay life
>she asks "wow how come you managed to keep a relationship going for so long?"
>I reply "I was just born with two different chromosomes"
>mfw she glares furiously at me, turns around and stops talking to me
>in class
>English teacher asks us to tell each other an anecdote for conversation
>roastie toastie tells me about her failed relationships with chads
>tell her about my successful gay life
>she asks "wow how come you managed to keep a relationship going for so long?"
>I reply "I was just born with two different chromosomes"
>mfw she glares furiously at me, turns around and stops talking to me