>>8107275I have been mostly dreaming about black cocks assaulting my whole body as I desperately endeavor to eschew being blacked by a crowd of subhuman nigger apes. Abnormally prodigious black cocks entering every orifice of my body, mercilessly stretching my bodily holes beyond their physical capacity to the extent of excruciating pain and suffering. Black cocks coming from behind, from the front, absolutely everywhere - and me, in the midst of this absolute, terrifyingly dehumanizing scene, forced to comply and to take it all, swallow all the nigger cum and accept all the humiliating treatment imposed upon me by a collective of foul nigger subhumans. No mercy, no hope - just the crushing reality of rape and assault as embodied by the quasi-uniform body of the horde of repulsive niggers. Then I wake and cry because of my utter disgust. I hope these nightmares of mine will cease to happen at some point, but they've been happening ever since I started frequenting this place. It only shows how degrading and brainwashing this shithole of a board truly is.