>>81243061: Lolis are dry and too tight to fuck. They may look nice, but try to penetrate one and all you're gonna manage is an inch of dick, max, and it'll be dry as a bone and uncomfortable for you both. You are no longer as interested in loliraep as you were.
2: Raping adults is harder than you'd think. Even a puny little 5ft2 teen girl will have a dry cunt, be forcing her twatmuscles together, wriggling like a fucking rabbit in a frying pan and punching/kicking you in the face. To rape a girl you need three people - one to hold her arms, one to hold her legs, which means 2/3 of you will be sloshing your dick around in semen while you fuck her, and you'll need to use lube, which negates somewhat from the thought of your cock being surrounded by delicious teenage cuntfluid. You are now less turned on by rape fantasies.
3: Sex isn't as fun as you virgins imagine it to be. It's often more satisfying, but you have a lot less control over the speed, angles and so on. Orgasms are generally more intense while fapping. Cunts are just squelchy wet meat. You are now less excited about losing your virginity.
4: The things she says to you, she has said to every boyfriend. Those cute, unique little things you think you inspired in her, are just part of her normal routine mating ritual. She told the last guy she loved him more than anyone she'd ever met too. You are now feeling empty and let down.
5: You are now massively aware that your shyness and social anxiety could well prove so serious that you never get to have a proper, long term relationship anyway. You may be 'one of those guys' who dies a virgin, or only ever fucks fat/ugly chicks.
tl;dr: Enjoy hand.