Hey /b/... So here's the deal. I've been on /b/ for a little less than a year now, and I've seen it evolve from the AIDSiest part of Africa into a machine that can fuck people up and do serious damage IRL (i.e. SciFags). I know it is fucking impossible to get a long thread going on /b/, so I might post this a couple times, but i hope it doesn't become copypasta...but hopefully some tits will help things get going.
/b/, unlike anything else that has ever existed in the world to this point, has an awesome power. It is a place where hundreds of thousands of people can get together and without any sense of order, and tons of porn thrown in, affect real life. Chanology shows us just the tip of what we are capable of. We are a generation who doesn't give a fuck about the world, because frankly the world has fucked us over. But we still want to make an impact, and let people never forget that we were here. If you've ever seen Fight Club, or more importantly, READ (i know you /b/itches read, don't lie) Fight Club, you'll know what I'm talking about. This is our chance to rebel, to throw off society, and bitchass consumerism, and everything pathetic about our lives (cause let's be straight, most of us aren't living how we hoped we would). /b/ offers a world where, just like FIGHT CLUB, there are no rules (except for CP), and most importantly, THERE IS NO LEADER (even Tyler Durden didn't lead fight club). Let the legion revolution begin here, tonight. we can use /b/ to rebel, to create chaos, to make people recognize that we are a real force.