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ID:rQ+tUCF0 No.8124994 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be South
>Have a shit ton of tobacco, cotton fields
>Instead of importing indentured servants from Europe and pick your own cotton you import tons of niggers
>Breed them like fucking crazy
>Time comes when people want to end slavery and send them back to their countries so that we can become more self reliant and wouldn't have to deal with niggers in the future
>Get butt-hurt and throw a secession fit about "muh states rights" to continue slavery so you can keep importing niggers and breeding them like crazy thus exacerbating the nigger problem until America ends up like Haiti or other Caribbean colonies where the black population outnumbers the whites
>Start the civil war by attacking Fort Sumter
>Call it the Northern War of Aggression because you're a sore loser
>Kill Lincoln before he could send blacks back to Africa

Fast forward 150+ years later:

>Be South in modern times
>Southern States have the lowest average incomes, highest rates of poverty, obesity, worst education systems, highest infant mortality rates, worst infrastructure, filled to the brim with niggers, white trash, and rednecks
>Most Southern states have an HDI (quality of life) and life expectancy on par with that of 3rd world nations
>Literal laughing stock of America and responsible for almost every negative stereotype about America and Americans
>the south is collectively a 3rd world shithole