when i'm done with you the only evidence of your existence left in this world will be the shitty diaper stash under your bed
hit list:
jewsriel von yonkers !!/teV8OjOn4u
jewsriel von yonkers impersonators
mister faggot (americunt)
furfaggot faggot chink jap rapebaby
the literally who an*me angry man
kot, kug, koge, dug, ducc, bun
CHEEKI BREEKI (americunt kotnigger)
kingdom of norway
all el monkeys
mudslimes, shitskins, sandniggers, dunecoons
an*me, an*meniggers, an*me whores
degenerates, hedonists, decadents, profligates, wastrels
americunt avatarfaggot #1 (cum blob)
americunt personal army gatherer #1
anglo shill #1
potatonigger discordnigger faggot #1
faggot pastanigger #1
annoying bosnian nigger #1
annoying kraut nigger #1
annoying americunt nigger #1
annoying americunt nigger #2
annoying americunt nigger #3
annoying americunt faggot #4