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Ok, here's my 2c
>i am not a racist nor nazi nor anything in such premise
However, No other religious ethnicity can claim such a frequency and rate of expulsion than Jewish tribe. Pic related.
No one. No other ethnic religious group in the recorded World history comes even close.
So why did that happen?
What did the Jews do in those countries to earn that?
I say it again: I am not any racist nor religiously inclined person.
Instead I have worked (my day job) with people representing various nationalities and regions within said countries for nearly ten years, 255 travel days per year in average to said countries.
Listen: You are not going to get kicked out of your country unless you did something really Really bad.
You have done something really bad to get kicked out. Moreover, it was an entire group ethnicity. Moreover, That Many Times! Pic Related!
I'd like to hear more from the very source.
>the jews are a grave minority, right? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))