>>8213405EVERYTHING is a SPOOK!
>>8213425>How would you define existenceI don't it just is. Like ideas. They may not exist materially but it doesn't mean they don't still exist.
It's because of this interesting concept I find it hard to define what "reality" is as even if you ask other "people" what reality is to corroborate your perception but those very individuals could be a byproduct of your natural coping mechanism to create something from nothing to keep from going mad. Every "person" you interact with could just be another construct of your own perception or another means your mind is attempting to trick you to keep you sane.
The idea that nothing is real unless (you) think it is is very compelling to me in this right.
Not a good definition of reality but I can't say I've figured out what "living" or "being alive" means either.
So many things we think and do are just programming we're mindlessly running out with no thought as to why.