>>8220827I was taking a lot, daily,about 20 00-caps early on my days off and another 20 through out the day, on work days I'd take 15 to 20 soon as I got home, include several caps of diphenhydramine whenever I'd take the krat.
So I went cold turkey off both. First two weeks were me just staying home laying down. I'd get strong anxiety from just about anything I did, even drinking milk. I couldn't eat anything with sugar or caffeine in it, I was hyper sensitive to everything, alcohol even made it worse.
The only thing that alleviated it was really hard physical labor or exercise. I figure it was due to my body not producing very dopamine and the hard physical work would force it to. And one or two days where I had a cold, I actually felt better being sick.
Aside from the anxiety it gave me the shits non-stop. I'd get terrible pains through my stomach and bowels and shit about 3-5 times a day.
62 days which was really day 76 because I spent two weeks trying to wean myself off which just prolonged it. But after 62 days I started to feel better, not fully normal though. For a year after I'd get anxiety and was still hypersensitive to any kind of drug.