>>8238613https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-united-states85% percent of abortions are from unmarried women. In addition to that, the majority are also poor. Furthermore, nearly 70% of abortions occur by or before 8 weeks ( before 8 weeks, it is medically an embryo, not even a fetus yet). Over 90% occur by or before 13 weeks. There’s no logical reason for women who don’t want to be pregnant to wait long to abort. The idea that abortions constantly kill fully formed babies is simply untrue. A fully formed baby doesn’t magically appear the moment that sperm meets an egg. Abortion doesn’t kill babies, it prevents babies from forming. Digging up a seed isn't the same thing as cutting down a tree. In addition to that, most retards/ extremely disabled are aborted which, while unpleasant on a surface level, is best for society. Abortion is a good tool for keeping the population of low quality people down and saving resources for higher quality people. The painful truth is, some people truly are societal burdens. It's unrealistic to ever make abortions illegal since low class people would still be irresponsible regardless and society doesn't need to be punished for their errors. Yeah, it would be better if they used birth control in advance but you can't expect everyone to be that bright and by the time a woman is pregnant, how she could have prevented it is irrelevant and honestly no birth control is infallible anyways. People always mention adoption as an option for those who cannot afford kids but, there can be medical issues that make pregnancy risky for the woman's health, and some people cannot even afford to be pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth used to be the biggest killers of women, and still are for the women that are too poor to afford health care. And being forced to go through a pregnancy and give a baby up for adoption is an immensely traumatic and stressful experience for a woman to go through. (1/2)