onymous (ID: Swn7IdGK) 05/31/17(Wed)19:03:55 No.824842▶
>>824845 >>824852 >>824853 I'm calling it. dubs and blue ID with palindromes. If this comes true then it means stephen colbert will win the white house in 2020.
>>Anonymous (ID: XUWDGXPK) 05/31/17(Wed)19:04:12 No.824845▶
>>824842 (OP)
Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle.I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.....
>>Anonymous (ID: tV/WZgEC) 05/31/17(Wed)19:04:34 No.824852▶
>>824842 (OP)
>>Anonymous (ID: A7ZcPykM) 05/31/17(Wed)19:04:35 No.824853▶
>>824842 (OP)
Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle.I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.....