>>825284>>Sweaty armpit>>>>>> Anonymous (ID: njDw/LL2) 05/31/17(Wed)19:24:09 No.825231▶>>>>825206 (OP) (OP)>>Be my waifu, Ai chan...>Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle.I typically don't find 'nigger humor' especially amusing or relatable. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.......>>>> Anonymous (ID: 4nWGJsZG) 05/31/17(Wed)19:25:16 No.825264 ▶>blease dont shoot :DDDDDDDD>>>> Anonymous (ID: aOnFY/He) 05/31/17(Wed)19:25:44 No.825270 ▶>File: IMG_8088.jpg (171 KB, 1000x1000)>>>825231>>>> Anonymous (ID: zT1G0KCy) 05/31/17(Wed)19:25:48 No.825271 ▶>>>825206 (OP)>>[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]5 / 1 / 6 / 1 [Update] [Auto]>>File: IMG_8075.jpg (65 KB, 496x960)>> Anonymous (ID: aOnFY/He) 05/31/17(Wed)13:22:42 No.825206▶>>825212 >>825219 >>825231 >>825239 (You)>>hands up, /bant/!>>>>>> Anonymous (ID: uqDuP2sf) 05/31/17(Wed)13:23:08 No.825212▶>>825239 (You)>>>>825206 (OP) (OP)>>TOOK ME A SECOND>>TOOK ME A SECONDTook me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle.I typically don't find 'nigger humor' especially amusing or relatable. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.......