K*rbo is possibly the worst poster of all time. According to the /bant/ intelligence agency, K*rbo was originally a cross dresser who posted images of himself wearing kawaii stuff and other gay shit. Then he failed his university exams and went full schizo. During this time, he started picking fights with Alice by spamming her threads. Soon spamming Alice threads wasn't enough so he started obsessively spamming the board to complain about Alice's threads even when she wasn't posting. He eventually started creating insane conspiracy theories about Alice selling child organs on Amazon, which postponed his autism leaking outside of /bant/s borders. For about one month, K*rbo pathologically flooded the board with over 9000 posts about some random avatarfag - after that, he tried to play off his autism attack as I wuz just pretending to be retarded hurr durr, yet whenever you were push him back, he would immediately default to spamming apu images because he can't take criticism. After getting trolled by about everybody on the board, he had a mental breakdown and started sucking Alice's dick, calling her "sissy". He started wearing dresses and creating Alice impersonating threads. Since he couldn't do anything productive, he made his threads about poetry instead of food. After that, he took a hiatus. But unfortunately good things never last. He came back as an incel who would spam incel propaganda, he would also spam "i'm a girl" threads with gore. This backfired and lead to /bant/its spamming "I'm a girl threads" to provoke him into spamming every thread to the image limit. This ruined the board for about a day. Now all he does is brag about a book that he is writing.