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ID:bgrKLAJV No.8270456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sick of people telling me where to put my ketchup
sick of them telling my bathtub is useless
sick of them telling me where to live
they say my cat is fat
telling me I should get a different job
I have to mow my lawn
don't eat that bread it has a crust
I need to buy more dishes
clean your house they say
you need friends they say
it's weird to buy chicken at 3 a.m.
it should take you longer than a week to watch six seasons of a tv show
cut your hair
are you drinking bourbon at 9 am?
how come you don't know how old you are?
milk goes in the bowl second, not first
you're not a real reader if you only listen to audiobooks
you're a drug store cowboy
you have to choose between pro-life and prochoice
that's a girly drink

how do I get them to stop saying things to me