>>8272444Yeah on some conky texas instruments computer. I still have that thing somewhere. You could break it down and fit it in a briefcase.
Commadore 64 was pretty badass as well. Had a ton of games for it. I don't remember getting on the net on that thing,
I DO remember internet videos that were pretty much speculating how everything was GOING to be. Except none of that ever came to fruition because they were ideas based on how things were in that time.
>>8272453Yeah but Gen Z's parents are fucking retarded., probably Zogged and a bunch of slack jawed faggots and tranny enablers.
We Wiemar now.........but when I think about it there's only one feasible option when society hits that critical of a mass. And this Wiemar is half the globe and then some.
You all know what happens next.
>>8272468Yeah that same shit was spouted over temporary tattoos. Used to argue with my mom when I'd get those. Fuck that my Voltron tattoos were awesome.