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ID:LVSn8LOS No.8272828 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Someone's been attentionfagging around the board with this image, pretending to be trans.
And it works, everyone's like "OMG you're so pretty" without knowing this image is a fake.

So, here's a little lesson on AI, so you can recognise fakes like this in the future:
Firstly, AI sucks at rendering crisp details. It tends to make a blurry mess.
Secondly, AI is great at making shapes, but terrible at texturing.
Thirdly, there'll often be some weird artifacts in the output images.

In this image you can see:
>Most of the hair is at least slightly blurry
>No texturing of skin, unrealistically smooth (and yet there's a bump that wouldn't be there with the makeup/skincare needed for this kind of smoothness)
>A patch near the eyebrow where the hair, forehead, and eyebrow all got blurred together
That's some pretty blatant AI fuckery there.

Additionally, there are more clues not related to image processing like:
>The person taking a picture of themselves is wearing a plain white shirt which would be unusual for cis females, and trans females dress even more femininely than cis females
>Very bad selfie skills. Trans females feel the need to make the photo really good to have the confidence to post one, this selfie would be bad even by cis male standards: Poor lighting, creepy vacant look with no expression, looks like a corpse honestly
>Perfectly flat chest

This is very obviously a usage of that feminising snapchat filter that's all the rage nowadays.
Hopefully you'll now all know better than to be duped by an AI.