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/JFG / - Juden Fairytales General

ID:+N4XtPBq No.8292316 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to /JFG/ - Juden Fairytales General - The Eternal Shekel edition!

Have you opened your eyes to the truth yet, anon?
Here's something to get you going:

>biggest Jewish psy op in history
>keeps the shekels coming for ~2019 years
>the (((Catholic Church))) is literally preaching and embodying Satanism

Whenever a Christian movement arose that tried to preach real ascetic values, and also threatened the income of (((Catholic))) shekels, it was promptly labeled as heretic and massacred:

>Fraticelli-(condemned wealth of the church)
>and about a 100 more

Finally, ask yourselves: is there anything more hypocritical and straight-up evil, than modern Christianity?

>yes, sure goyim, be a sinful, nigger-tier douchebag for you whole life
>when you die none of it will matter
>the big man in the sky will forgive all that evil

This is your daily reminder that if you are the follower of the Christian (((Church))) you're a nigger-tier brainlet and a Jew puppet.

If you want to be a Christian, then become an ascetic and reject EVERY worldly pleasure and comfort. Otherwise, stop LARPING!