>>829864I wrote a language for a race of lizard people I was RPing as in some forum game.
Athlen sa heraklesh rak Darth Plagueis the Wise-kheshral? Ka ne oshilera kal. Sho ne shlhik kal i shas rak Jedi the'eshola sa. Sho shlhik i Sith-shas. Darth Plagueis shlhika i shirkh Sith-sarl, ik klolar os ik thelashn ro kuthik urithes rak Force kurashes rak midichlorians klasles thilsha... Ro athlika seth i Dark Side-koloshi karth ro kuthik ither rosathes rak hith ro kilalik thlhol okash. Rak Force-Dark Side shlhik i lararl ak roli alasha rolth konsithol othsishek. Ro khoshathika ik klolar... rak sath shos ro thalik shlhik loshares klola-ro, rorth thekelethlo, sholera’aklo, ro nikethika. Irkorashlo, ro thethika senshek-ro thela’as ro kansirika, thar senshek-ro okithik ro ir shala-ro. Ikarthir. Ro kuthik rosathes oshak thlhol okash, osh ne ro'ish.