>>8300913>So many horrible things happened to my peoplesee I cannot relate, the slaves I came from are escaped and lived free if not prosperous compared to the indios
albino runs in my mothers blood too, it is so strange all my brothers come from the same father but I am pale tall guy with curls but my brothers are tall brown guys with wavy hair.
it is impossible for me to tan, but my brother with skin the color of sand can tan dark, and my brother with skin the color of wood can get very dark
my mother often tells me I look like my father but with pale skin
my father was a tall brown man with curly hair, but blue eyes very weird combination.
in america being a spic is already pretty bad but being a spic-nog is like death.
so I larp as a white goy, keep my hair short to hide curls. nothing can be done about the nose fuckign nog nose
frankly I am sick of this toxic american culture where race tension is high. both liberal and republican always talk about race
>>8300917kek based
>>8300929>Black women are disgustingyou lost my respect bro you need enlightenment of the big black ass proportions.
all I want to do is fuck that big black ass holy shit, that women is wife material.
I guess I understand maybe it's fun to fuck white women but to marry one, no way jose whites carry gay and small pp syndrome can't do that to my future kids.
you are kind of a meme goy lol you sound cool but post hand or your gay and have aids