The demon doggo is charhing at the both of you, towards the huge Arume tower you're at the bottom of.
Demon Doggo, screeching: "DEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTTH!!!!!!!"
You go to cho hogan kick him as he launches at you.
Your foot hits him square on the nose, but he doesn't seem affected by it at all.
Arnold: "Joe, no!"
The doggo bite you, latching onto your right leg (Assuming that's the one you kicked with).
Arnold lights the demon doggo up with a minigun he pulled out of nowhere.
the doggo let's go as its face is blown to pieces.
You're free, but you can see it's flesh re-materialising.
Arnold: "Get to the mainframe! I'll hold it off!"
Your right leg is bleeding, but you can still kind of walk on it.
You feel your Anime-tier adrenaline fading.
The Arume pull themselves to their feet and defend themselves against your attacks.
Arume 1: "You're tough, Human!"
Arume 2: "But not tough enough!"
They both go to punch you at the same time.
You attempt to help him fight the chimps, but you forgot that chimps are crazy, man, they'll rip your balls off.
In fact, one does as it tosses you to the floor with its chimp strength and tears your testicles from your body.
The pain is excruciating.
Doomguy just appears to be killing the others, unaware that one has just torn your balls off.
the chimp looks like it's about to tear your dick off and fuck you with it, too - you can see it in the primate's eyes.