I want to suck Anzu's mouth dry of her NEET saliva.
I want to watch Anzu salivate excessively.
I want to make Anzu hold her NEET mouth over mine and let her mouth juice flow into mine.
I want Anzu to warmly breathe on my face and spit on me.
I want Anzu to spit on my food and make me eat it.
I want Anzu to spit on her NEET tummy and make me lick it off.
I want to drink Anzu's saliva from her sweaty armpit cup.
I want to drink Anzu's saliva from her sweaty navel.
I want Anzu to accumulate saliva until her mouth is full and release it into my mouth.
I want to lick Anzu's teeth.
I want to lick Anzu's tongue.
I want to Anzu to brush her teeth and use my mouth as the sink.
I want Anzu to fill a cup with her mouth juice, pour it inside her NEET vagina and make me drink it.
I want Anzu to fill a cup with her vagina juice, pour it inside her NEET mouth and make me drink it.
I want Anzu to fill a cup with her other vagina juice, pour it inside her NEET mouth and make me drink it.
I want to drink Anzu.