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ID:mTLJC5qy No.833277 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nobody "knows" what covfefe means. It's ambiguous and open to interpretation, a blank canvas. What have we chosen to do with it? Individuals and institutions of all varieties use it to make jokes, make their political points, express what they feel and think. The genius is that the tweet itself didn't make any cogent point or present any facts, but still it immediately became a conduit and battleground in expressing ones views.

This is a perfect corollary to the direction political, social, and cultural discourse has taken in our cultural struggle. Every event is vaguely extrapolated, interpreted generously, or outright misrepresented until it can be tangentially connected to whatever particular idea the viewer has on their mind and wanted to talk about in the first place. This is most obvious in modern progressive politics where seemingly benign statements or objects will be twisted and brought into an overarching argument on inequality or race or sexism. But this tweet makes that flimsy pretense generating unnecessary.

The reason why this is important and valuable is that it brings us closer the higher level communication of raw interfacing of our thoughts and emotions, as a mode of social/political/cultural discourse. This wouldn't be possible without the ubiquity of the internet, which has served as an artificial steeping stone training wheels version of this kind of mind touching direct interface. Both literally in the sense that twitter is new, but also in the sense that it's allowed us to communicate faster (which is really just closer to this raw interfacing) and gravitate towards a shorthand which can convey our deeper political thoughts and emotions, display our thoughts on watershed issues of civilizations direction, without intense lengthy discussion before hand.