Don't forget that the census in America counts "people" from the middle-eat and North Africa as white.
So that "half-white" also includes every Algerian child, every Egyptian child, every Libyan child, every Moroccan child, every Sudanese child, every Tunisian child, every child from the entire Sahara, every Iranian child, every Iraqi child, every Turkish child, every Israeli child, every Palestinian child, every child from Saudi Arabia, every Lebanese child, every Jordanian child, every Yemeni child, every Kuwaiti child, every Omanese child, every Qatarian child, and every child from the UAE and Bahrain in America.
This is funny, but it's also the objective truth, here is the proof Btw The Census Bureau under Trump has declined to add a North African or Middle Eastern sector to the 2020 Census, so the next Census will have these people listed as white as well.