>>8361419As a portuguese, a will try to explain our point of view. To answer to this question, we must first agree on a definition of "white". For us portuguese, white is any european and decendents as long as they look european.
Second point, we are a mixture of several european peoples (iberians, celts, romans, visigoths and suebians). Before the rise of the romans, some parts of todays Portugal were in contact with Fenicia through commerce routes and in pre-history there was some migration of people from North-Africa to nowadays Portugal. However, these people were similar to the mediterranean europeans. In the 8th century, the moors invaded our territory and were finally expeld in the beginnig of the 13th century. There was also migration of jews from Spain to Portugal but they were later expelt or persecuted although some were assimilated. Due to slavery, there are some people in the south of the country with sub-saharian maternal lineages. With this being said, our genetic poll is more than 90% european, with people in the north having 100% european blood or almost and people in the south having less. Some portuguese have some north-african blood but it comes mainly from the pre-historic period and not from the moorish invasions, because we always tried to push them completly out although some were assimilated. If you count that as white, it raises the percentage.
Third point, because of our history of war against the moors and the colonization and contact with almost every peoples in the wourld outside of Europe, we were always called white and were, in fact, the whitest people where ever we went.
We were white to all of the world before the nordic peoples became something.