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How i played myself

ID:yvERefds No.8420678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>16 yr old 6/10 chadgin
>ironically label myself as an e-boy because of my fashion choices and looks
>be labeled as charismatic by other ppl so i went with it
>new school year starts
>into 2nd week
>I had an issue with my group about me liking the new student that has a bf
>root of this issue is because i said i liked her as a joke and my chadtard friends made it a big deal
>i got mad at first but then played it cool since the girl involved understands
>my real crush was a 6/10 qt 3.14 on the other side of the room
>i didnt let anyone know i had a crush on her since it would ruin my chances
>i talked to her and she was hella friendly
>we became fast friends because of my charisma and her being very friendly
>really get into her since she was really a great person and i find her hella cute even if she is just a 6/10
>a plus point since she is very intelligent too
>add her on facebook
>hesitated to message her at first
>man up and chat her
>ask her if there was homework as an opening
>she replies very warmly
>get really into her even more
>proceeds to ask her about herself
>she went cold
>not really discouraged but was a bit of a moodkiller
>try to chat her again this time asking her if she has done the hw
>she replies again
>ff to tomorrow
>at school we became somewhat close
>i offered her to go to a cafe as a treat and she accepts
>ff to later that night
>chat with her again
>asked if she can follow me on soc meds
>she agrees
>i follow her twitter
>turns out she has a bf
>i was getting mixed signals because she has this interested undertone to chat with me
>get sad and just let it be
>she still chats warmly and i respond like im oblivous
>she occasionally stares at me at class furthering mixed signals
>i want to shed light on my confusion but it will risk our friendship, besides its just the 2nd week of school
>mfw i thought i had a chance
>mfw i played myself
Help me