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ID:naCF9RXj No.8432456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the d*scordnigger:
-does not shower
-does not take care of himself in general
-shaves his asshole in preparation for the penises of his fellow d*scordniggers
-is incapable of normal speech
-was born illegitimate
-never had a father figure
-has a messy room
-has aids
-has a closet full of dildos covered in feces
-is poor
-rarely steps out of his house, much less his room
SAGE and HIDE all d*scord threads, else they will attempt to convert you into a DISGUSTING h*mosexual n*mefag. besides that, they will attempt to make you download the d*scord BOTNET to spam you with pictures of their UNWASHED anus.