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[33 / 10 / ?]

ID:EOojuswB No.8433140 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is honestly the cringiest board on 4chan and that's saying a lot. More cringy than /r9k/ and /b/, this is like /b/ 2.0 except everyone's trying to be quirky and zoopity doopity epic. posting a picture of an anime girl and leaving a nonsensical phrase with poor grammar to appear "cute" so you can garner attention from other posters who chances are looks just as ugly and unappealing as you do irl. Korbo is the only poster here who's funny because he puts a slight amount of effort into his post in regards to what words he uses and the picture that goes with them. I suppose Yonkers also puts effort into his post but he is so fucking embarassingly cringy that his uncontrollable autism is forever segregated to this board and i cannot comprehend someone more pathetic than that. all the good namefags are gone and we're left with anime avatarfags anmd >romania, whom I hope dies of a terminal illness sometime within the foreseeable future. i dont know what so say about this man, there it is. this is shit and theres nothing more to say. this is shit.

dont bother responding to this post because i wont read it, im closing the thread immediately after i post this.