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ID:MMDk2DIP No.8434489 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I could hear the neighbours talking about me right outside my window. There's a girl out there who sits and watches everyday everything that happens, so she was telling a curious stranger what she has observed about me.

>no, I don't see him much
>I don't think he's a real introvert, because real ones are serial killers
>no, I don't know his name
>he has a very unique fashion sense
>I'm not sure how long he's lived here
>he's hard to describe, and talks in a unique style
>he likes to drive
>he has a person who delivers bottled water regularly because he doesn't drink the tap water

Interesting at least. It's a good lesson about how one can slowly paint a picture of a person just based on innocuous snippets of data. But I don't think she's learned anything of consequence about me. Doubt she's a undercover cop too, but I'll take precautions to never tell her anything I wouldn't tell the police.